Gaps in your National Insurance record
If you are planning to claim the UK state pension in future, you need to be aware that from 31 July 2023 HMRC are reducing the period for filling in gaps in your record.
In general, a person must have 35 qualifying years of National Insurance (‘NI’) contributions to qualify for a full state pension and at least 10 years to get any state pension at all.
It is possible, if you are eligible, to make up gaps in your NI record by making voluntary contributions. Up until 31 July 2023, voluntary contributions can be made for gaps back to 6 April 2006, a period of 16 years. After 31 July 2023, that period reduces to 6 years.
We advise you to take this opportunity to check your NI record now to identify any shortfalls or issues on your NI history. This will give you the best chance of achieving a full state pension when the time comes.
You can view your NI history via:
• Your HMRC personal tax account,
• This link (if you have a Government Gateway)
• calling HMRC on 0300 200 3300
HMRC will be able to tell you how much it will cost to fill in gaps in your record. The costs vary depending on the number of years and how close you are to state pension age.
Whilst we cannot liaise with HMRC on your behalf regarding your NI record, we are here to support you through the process, so if you would like to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact us.
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